Friday, January 18, 2019

60+ Self Care ideas 5 minutes or under (do them on a BRB)

Hey Everyone!

Are you hitting bottom?

Do you feel like you never have time for yourself and it makes you feel overwhelmed, tired and ready to run away from life (either one/both)?

Self Care is so important in our lives.

This list is part of My 5 Minute Life program that I developed to help me get through tough times.

Look through this list and pick a few to try on your next BRB.

It's time for us to take care of ourselves....even if it's only 5 minutes at a time to get started.

Some of these ideas you can do while your avie is dancing at a club or any event really!

  1. Do nothing at all - one of the hardest of self-care acts for me
  2. Wash & moisturize your face
  3. Floss your teeth
  4. 5-minute stretches
  5. Walk around your home for 5 minutes
  6. Listen to a 5 minute Ted Talk
  7. Listen to a 5-minute Podcast
  8. Tidy your current surroundings for 5 minutes
  9. Drop a habit - Self Care is not all about doing something, it can be about not doing something as well.
  10. Try Earthing - Connecting with the earth in some way. Step onto some grass barefoot, touch a tree, concentrate on feeling the breeze or the sunshine, etc.
  11. Meditate
  12. Delete any apps you are not using on your phone
  13. Read - You’d be surprised how much you can read in 5 minutes.
  14. Breathe deep
  15. Self-massage
  16. Dance to your favorite song like nobody's watching!
  17. Sing your favorite song like nobody’s listening!
  18. Color
  19. Take your meds/vitamins/supplements
  20. Listen to nature sounds
  21. Create lists
  22. Pop bubble wrap
  23. Read inspirational quotes
  24. Play with your pet
  25. Diffuse essential oils
  26. Light a candle
  27. Write in a journal
  28. Doodle
  29. Pray
  30. Hug someone
  31. Draw
  32. Paint
  33. Write
  34. Clip/File your nails
  35. Close your eyes
  36. Give yourself a pep talk or say some affirmations
  37. Watch the clouds
  38. Star Gaze
  39. Listen to your heartbeat
  40. Brush your hair
  41. Give yourself a temple massage
  42. Blow bubbles
  43. List everything you did today - I bet you did more than you think!
  44. Plan - make a quick outline for anything that needs a plan
  45. Hula hoop
  46. Send an encouraging email to a friend
  47. Compliment yourself
  48. Unclutter your social media - delete any people, groups or pages that are not bringing you joy
  49. Write yourself a love letter
  50. Open your blinds/curtains and let in some sun
  51. Open a window and let in some fresh air
  52. Make yourself a cup of your favorite hot drink
  53. Change your clothes
  54. Do a brain dump session
  55. Write a poem
  56. Grab your favorite fruit or veggie and enjoy it
  57. Work on a crossword puzzle/search a word/sudoku
  58. Work on a puzzle
  59. Create a Self Care box
  60. Write a gratitude list
  61. Write down your dreams (and then set goals to achieve them)

I hope you found some great ways to start your self-care 5-minute life today. Now the next time you go on a BRB…. take 5 min for yourself too!

What are some of your favorite ways to practice self-care that take 5 minutes or less? Share in the comments!
