About This Blog

Hey there!

My name is Ferocity302 Thor in the virtual world of Second Life

I built this blog so that those who are interested in knowing more about me than what a profile can hold can learn more about who I am both in Second Life and in Real Life.

Honestly, I really love to know about people, not just the superficial bullshit of most conversations but the REAL shit and WEIRD shit and QUIRKY shit because isn't that who we truly are?

I'm not talking creeper weird either, I'm talking the why we like peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches kind of weird. Truly want to know why I like them? Ask me. :)

I do this because I want the same. I want those around me to be in the same wonder as I am about just being who we are, without worry of it being used against us.

Who are you really? Why don't we talk about that?
Because I may or may not remember every detail but I want to know who you are... right now... in this moment...for this moment. I want that because I don't feel we get it enough as a whole. 

This blog was inspired by my IRL journey of overcoming chronic mental and physical health problems by getting to know who I really am. 

In Second Life I am a VaeWolf - Vampire/Lycan hybrid. I Role-play being the Queen of Invictus Sanguine Horde (loosely translated to Blood of the Invincible) in the role-playing game of Bloodlines. Right now we are not active but hope to change that.

I am also a Princess in the HUD based role-playing game of Tiny Empires in the Kingdom of Whitehorse. I love my Kingdom very much and I encourage you to check them out.

I got my start for employment in the club scene like many people do. I have been everything from Host to Owner except for being a dancer. I suck at emoting and taking off my clothes is not something I want to do in either world. lol

Evil, my partner in both Second Life and in Real Life, and I met in Second Life in 2010. We were married in SL in August of 2011 and have been together since.

I am a creator in Second Life and have a market place store. I am a beginner still after all these years and create random things that bring me joy. 

I enjoy exploring the Second Life grid. There are many things that I can no longer do in real life but can still do them in SL. There are amazing places that SL residents have spent a lot of time and money putting together for others to experience.

In Real Life I am a disabled stay at home mom with two teens still at home. We are a beautifully blended family with 6 kids total.

I love to make home systems to streamline chores, cooking and everyday living. I involve our teens to make sure they are gaining the skills that they will have to have when they go out on their own to manage their own households.

I focus on self care at home and I've developed my own system called My 5 Minute Life that helped me slowly regain my mental and physical health after a breakdown several years ago.

I also enjoy binge watching Hulu and Netflix, coloring, listening to music, listening to podcasts, reading self help books, cuddling with my kitties, gaming with my family and learning new things.

I hope to share both my worlds with you. I love Second Life as a source of interaction with others for those who may be lacking it in real life or just want to a new place to explore.

That's about it for now. Feel free to dig deep in the pages as they add up!


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